Why Do Women’s Lacrosse Players Not Wear Helmets?

Lacrosse is a fast-paced, physically demanding sport that combines elements of skill, agility, and teamwork. While men’s lacrosse players are required to wear helmets, women’s lacrosse has a different approach. One of the most noticeable differences is that women’s lacrosse players do not wear helmets. This discrepancy often raises questions about player safety and the reasons behind this unique aspect of the sport. In this blog, we’ll explore why women’s lacrosse players do not wear helmets.

1. Tradition:

The absence of helmets in women’s lacrosse can be traced back to the sport’s historical roots. Lacrosse is one of the oldest sports in North America, with indigenous origins. In its traditional form, the game was played without protective gear, and women’s lacrosse maintains some of these historical elements.

2. Reduced Physical Contact:

One of the main distinctions between men’s and women’s lacrosse is the level of physical contact. Men’s lacrosse allows for more aggressive body checking and stick checking, which can result in a higher risk of head injuries. In contrast, women’s lacrosse has stricter rules against physical contact, and stick checks must be directed away from the head and body. This reduced physicality contributes to the decision not to require helmets.

3. Focus on Skill and Technique:

Women’s lacrosse places a strong emphasis on skill, finesse, and ball movement. The absence of helmets encourages players to focus on proper technique, stick handling, and teamwork, rather than relying on physicality. This style of play aims to create a safer environment for the players.

4. Vision and Communication:

Wearing a helmet can limit a player’s peripheral vision and ability to communicate on the field. In women’s lacrosse, communication is crucial for coordinating offensive and defensive strategies. Without helmets, players can see the entire field and interact more effectively with their teammates.

5. The Evolution of Protective Gear:

Women’s lacrosse has seen the development of protective headgear options, such as soft-shell helmets and goggles designed to protect the eyes. While not mandatory, players have the option to wear these headgear types to enhance safety, particularly to protect against eye injuries.

6. Advocacy for Safety:

Over the years, there has been a growing awareness of the need to improve player safety in women’s lacrosse. Organizations, coaches, and players have advocated for increased protection, especially when it comes to head injuries. While helmets are not mandatory, the push for protective headgear continues, as there is recognition that concussions and head injuries can occur even in a non-contact sport like women’s lacrosse.


The absence of helmets in women’s lacrosse is deeply rooted in tradition and the distinct style of play in the sport. The focus on skill, technique, and the reduced physical contact allows for a unique playing experience. However, as the understanding of head injuries and safety evolves, there is a growing movement to incorporate additional protective gear into women’s lacrosse. The balance between tradition and player safety remains a topic of ongoing discussion in the lacrosse community. Regardless of the outcome, player safety will continue to be a top priority for those involved in women’s lacrosse, and changes may be on the horizon to enhance protection while preserving the spirit of the game.

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