How To Win The Draw In Women’s Lacrosse Face-off

The draw in women’s lacrosse is a pivotal moment in the game, a battle of skills, strength, and strategy that can significantly influence the outcome of a match. The draw, which occurs at the beginning of a game and after each goal, is a critical aspect of women’s lacrosse. If you want to excel in this aspect of the game, this blog is your ultimate guide to winning the draw in women’s lacrosse.

Understanding the Draw

The draw is the process of starting or restarting play in women’s lacrosse. Two players, typically the center position players, face off by positioning their sticks vertically, heads touching, and their bodies behind the ball. A whistle initiates the action, and the players attempt to gain possession of the ball, either by flicking it to their teammate or securing it themselves.

Key Rules for the Draw

Before delving into the techniques for winning the draw, it’s crucial to understand the rules that govern this aspect of the game:

  1. Vertical Stick Position: Both players must position their sticks vertically, with the sidewalls touching.
  2. Body Position: The players must keep their bodies behind the ball until it’s in play. They cannot lean over the ball.
  3. Ball Placement: The ball must be placed between the pockets of the two sticks before the draw.

Winning the Draw: Techniques and Strategies

  1. Positioning: Proper positioning is essential to winning the draw. Your body should be low, with your knees bent and your weight evenly distributed on both feet. Your non-dominant hand should be closer to the head of your stick.
  2. Grip and Technique: Grip the stick firmly but not too tightly, as it can affect your wrist and arm movement. Use the wrist of your dominant hand to execute the draw. Mastering the “rake” technique, where you quickly pull or push the ball toward your teammate, is key to winning the draw.
  3. Communication: Communication with your teammates is vital. Let them know your intentions and coordinate your movements. If you’re planning to secure the ball yourself, signal your intention to avoid accidental interference with your teammate.
  4. Reaction Time: Anticipating the whistle and reacting quickly are crucial. Your reflexes play a significant role in winning the draw. Practice and drills can help improve your reaction time.
  5. Strengthening Exercises: Building strength in your arms, wrists, and core is beneficial. Engaging in resistance training and wrist-strengthening exercises can improve your draw skills.
  6. Practice, Practice, Practice: Consistent practice is the most effective way to improve your draw control. Work on your draw technique and practice with teammates to develop chemistry and teamwork.
  7. Study Opponents: Understanding your opponent’s tendencies can give you an edge. Study their technique and strategize accordingly.
  8. Stay Composed: During a high-pressure moment like the draw, staying calm and composed is essential. Avoid letting nerves affect your performance.


The draw in women’s lacrosse is an art and a science, requiring a combination of skill, technique, and strategy. Winning the draw can provide your team with a significant advantage by gaining possession and potentially leading to scoring opportunities. By mastering the draw techniques and consistently practicing, you can become a valuable asset to your team, contributing to your overall success on the lacrosse field.

Read More: 15 Tips and Techniques for Effective Play and Mastering Defense in Lacrosse

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